MAR 28, 2025
# | Programme | Faculty |
1 | MSc Horticulture | Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences |
2 | MPhil Food Science And Technology | Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences |
3 | MPhil Agricultural Project Management And Policy | Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences |
4 | MSc Crop Science | Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences |
5 | PhD Agribusiness | Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences |
6 | PhD Food Science And Technology | Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences |
7 | PhD Agricultural Economics | Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences |
8 | MPhil Horticulture | Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences |
9 | MPhil Crop Science | Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences |
10 | MEd Agricultural Science | Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences |
11 | MSc Agricultural Economics | Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences |
12 | PhD Horticulture | Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences |
13 | MPhil Sustainable Agricultural And Food Systems | Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences |
14 | MSc Animal Science | Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences |
15 | PhD Crop Science | Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences |
16 | MPhil Agricultural Science | Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences |
17 | MSc Agricultural Project Management | Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences |
18 | PhD Sustainable Agricultural And Food Systems | Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences |
19 | MPhil Animal Science | Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences |
20 | MSc Agribusiness (sandwich) | Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences |
21 | MSc Food Science And Technology | Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences |
22 | MPhil Agricultural Economics | Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences |
23 | PhD Animal Science | Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences |
24 | MPhil Agribusiness | Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences |
25 | PhD Fisheries Science | Faculty of Bioscience |
26 | MPhil Biotechnology | Faculty of Bioscience |
27 | MSc Biotechnology | Faculty of Bioscience |
28 | PhD Biotechnology | Faculty of Bioscience |
29 | PhD Sustainable Aquaculture | Faculty of Bioscience |
30 | MPhil Fisheries Science | Faculty of Bioscience |
31 | PhD In Social Change Communication | Faculty of Communication and Media Studies |
32 | MA In Social Change Communication | Faculty of Communication and Media Studies |
33 | MPhil In Social Change Communication | Faculty of Communication and Media Studies |
34 | MEd Special Education | Faculty of Education |
35 | MPhil Health Science Education (2years Full Time Regular) | Faculty of Education |
36 | MEd Educational Management And Planning | Faculty of Education |
37 | MEd Training And Development | Faculty of Education |
38 | MPhil Measurement And Evaluation | Faculty of Education |
39 | MEd Measurement And Evaluation | Faculty of Education |
40 | MPhil Special Education | Faculty of Education |
41 | MEd Health Science Education (1year Sandwich) | Faculty of Education |
42 | MPhil Educational Management And Planning | Faculty of Education |
43 | MPhil Training And Development | Faculty of Education |
44 | MSc Statistics | Faculty of Physical Sciences |
45 | MPhil Mathematics | Faculty of Physical Sciences |
46 | MPhil Statistics | Faculty of Physical Sciences |
47 | MSc Computer Science | Faculty of Physical Sciences |
48 | PhD Mathematics | Faculty of Physical Sciences |
49 | PhD Statistics | Faculty of Physical Sciences |
50 | MPhil Computer Science | Faculty of Physical Sciences |
51 | MPhil Applied Computational Physics | Faculty of Physical Sciences |
52 | PhD Computer Science | Faculty of Physical Sciences |
53 | PhD Applied Computational Physics | Faculty of Physical Sciences |
54 | MSc Mathematics | Faculty of Physical Sciences |
55 | MA Development Education Studies | Faculty of Sustainable Development Studies |
56 | MPhil Development Education Studies | Faculty of Sustainable Development Studies |
57 | PhD Chemical Pathology | School of Allied Health Sciences |
58 | MPhil Chemical Pathology | School of Allied Health Sciences |
59 | MSc Procurement And Supply Chain Management | School of Business |
60 | Mba Educational Management And Leadership | School of Business |
61 | Mba Management Information Systems | School of Business |
62 | Mba Health Services Administration | School of Business |
63 | Mba Marketing | School of Business |
64 | MPhil Finance | School of Business |
65 | Mba Procurement And Supply Chain Management | School of Business |
66 | MSc Accounting And Finance | School of Business |
67 | Mba Human Resource Management | School of Business |
68 | MPhil Management Information Systems | School of Business |
69 | MPhil Health Service Administration | School of Business |
70 | MPhil Enterprenuership And Innovation | School of Business |
71 | PhD Business Administration (finance) | School of Business |
72 | MPhil Procurement And Supply Chain Management | School of Business |
73 | Mba Accounting | School of Business |
74 | MPhil Human Resource Management | School of Business |
75 | PhD Business Administration (management Information Systems) | School of Business |
76 | MPhil Public Administration | School of Business |
77 | PhD Business Administration (enterpernuership And Innovation) | School of Business |
78 | PhD Development Finance | School of Business |
79 | PhD Business Administration (procurement And Supply Chain Management) | School of Business |
80 | MPhil Accounting | School of Business |
81 | PhD Business Administration (human Resource Management) | School of Business |
82 | MSc Development Finance | School of Business |
83 | PhD Business Administration (public Administration) | School of Business |
84 | Master Of Public Administration | School of Business |
85 | MSc Leadership And Organisational Development | School of Business |
86 | PhD Business Administration (accounting) | School of Business |
87 | MSc Enterprenuership And Innovation | School of Business |
88 | Mba Finance | School of Business |
89 | MSc Irrigation And Drainage Engineering | School of Engineering |
90 | PhD Irrigation And Drainage Engineering | School of Engineering |
91 | MPhil Irrigation And Drainage Engineering | School of Engineering |
92 | Master Of Public Health | School of Public Health |
93 | MSc Public Health Nutrition | School of Public Health |
94 | MPhil Community Health And Development | School of Public Health |
95 | MPH Environmental Health | School of Public Health |
96 | MSc Community Disaster Resilience Studies | School of Public Health |
97 | PhD Public Health Nutrition | School of Public Health |
98 | MPhil Public Health Nutrition | School of Public Health |
99 | MPH Maternal And Child Health | School of Public Health |
100 | MSc Community Health And Development | School of Public Health |