UDS Announces End of Sale of Forms for Some Programmes
The university for development Studies announces for the information of the general public that
sale of forms for the under listed programmes ended on June 30, 2022.
Applicants who purchase the E-Voucher with the intention to apply to pursue Access, Top-Up,
Mature programmes listed below are to take note accordingly.
- Access in Nursing
- Access in Midwifery
- Access in Medicine
- Access in Pharmacy
- Access in Public Health
- Mature in Nursing and Midwifery
- Top-up in Nursing and Midwifery
- BSc. Nurse Practitioner
- BSc. Paediatric Nursing
- BSc. Nurse Anaesthesia
However, the deadline for the sale of forms for the regular programmes has been extended from
June 30, 2022 to July 31, 2022.